Monday, 30 September 2013


Please click on the link below and fill out my survey about a magazine audience

I have created a survey to gather together information from my target audience about what they want from magazines, this will help contribute to my market research of my magazine. I have put together a variety of questions of which I am un-sure about for my own magazine, for example I am not sure of what pricing I want to use for my magazine so I have asked this question to my audience. It’s important to make market research as you should understand the wants and needs of your audience.

I included the style of questions in order for me to gain research about my reader, the style of questions I asked included was 'do you use online or print' suggesting a ticking a box answer, however on some questions I asked it forced the reader into having to answer the question in a box text form. Other styles of questions I asked was 'do you prefere...' and the reader would answer from answers like 'sometimes' 'always' 'never' multiple choice questions can help engage the reader.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The reader

Lucy from Camden is currently a student studying media photography and art at A2 level at a sixth form in her area, she has a job part time at Marks and Spencer’s to keep a decent income coming in as being 18 she has to fend for herself. She still lives at home with her family as believes money is too tight and precious at the moment to move out especially due to how much money she spends regularly!

Her ultimate enjoyment is spending her time going to as many festivals and concerts as possible to see her favourite artists/bands; she claims she’d much rather spend her money and time exploring the lives of her favourite stars than spending it on stuff in which she thinks in pointless. She enjoys shopping in shops such as Topshop, Zara and London boutiques in order to buy her urban/hipster as she believes how you dress expresses your personality.

Being a heavy consumer of music Lucy can up to a time spend £30 on music a month whether that’s buying the latest songs of iTunes to buying magazines weekly to keep up to date on her favourite artist. Music helps form a part of Lucy's social identity, she believes the right music magazines can create a strong personal relationship with the reader and helps her form her own identity, readers like Lucy believe this is a strong aspect for magazines to have as it makes them feel a part of the magazine.

Lucy is a keen social media lover and uses online resources to enhance her love for music, she will regularly blog stuff about research she’s found out about her favourite artists and spend time with her friends using spotify creating their own music.

Expanding on Lucy’s love for going to concerts and gigs, Lucy usually opts to see bigger concerts staring stars like Kings of Leon and Ellie Goulding, in summer she’s attending reading festival where she will camp for the weekend and watch her favourite stars nonstop play live music.

Bradley from London is your typical fun banter lad, he is currently at a college in his area studying art and photography, his part time job he helps out on sets for photoshoots getting the stars ready. He loves music and photography, its his main passion - every concert and gig his faviourte stars perform at he is there without a doubt and ensures all his money is spent keeping up to date with his faviourtes, not only does Bradley follow them all on online media through twitter, tumblr but he buys weekly magazines to feel in touch with the artist themselves.

He has a unique style and dosent seem to follow the crowd, he likes all the typical hats boys wear with tight jeans and baggy tops. He mainly shops in shops such as topman and urban outfitters as he beleives highstreet fashion is much better than paying top prices for the same clothing. He has an ultimate obession with shoes too, air max and vans are by far his fave.

Magazine ideas

For my magazine I think I would like to include a picture collage such as this, the black and white theme of different colours and angles has a really professional feel to it.


Evaluation of my Pleminary task –

I have now completed my Haydon magazine task – my actual magazine compared to the original design is quite different, I didn’t include all the sell-lines and images I originally thought I was going to and in the end made it a lot more simple than I originally planned to as I feel this look more professional and suitable to the target audience of teenagers at Haydon school. However I am happy with my final design as I followed the same layout and colour scheme I originally intended on.

Front cover
My front cover includes a main image of David holding a football with the background in St Mary’s hall, the reasoning behind this was as holding the football displayed that my magazine was about sport, him smiling in the photo empathises the fun and happiness he shares within the PE department at school which is what I wanted to achieve, I feel the image used was appropriate to my magazine as it conveyed what my magazine was about and gave the viewers an inside to how successful the PE department is. The colour scheme throughout of white with Haydon’s own blue worked well together as they complimented each other ensuring the magazine looked professional. I choose a simple font of Arial as it was bold and clear for the viewers to read. I included a variety of images to make it more interesting to look at rather than it being full of writing.

Sell lines
The sell lines I included suggested to the viewer what was inside the magazine which I believe was successful as they was able to know exactly what was inside so if they was interested about that topic they’d know, I complemented the images with a sell line to ensure they knew what I was trying to express through my photo. Haydon is full of teenagers who are all engaged to social media so I thought by displaying an element of social media on the front cover would attract the students into reading the magazine, this is a way of gaining more readers and providing the wants and needs of my audience creating a personal relationship with them as they feel understood. I varied the font colours/backgrounds on them to make it more interesting and to display the highlighted text was more important than the non-highlighted text.

Contents page
My contents page followed the same colour scheme as my front cover to give my magazine a professional and effective look. I included a 'welcome' section to make my readers feel like they are involved in something and not just reading any magazine. Carrying through the same colour scheme suggests I understand the ‘house style’ of my magazine and that I’ve kept it looking professional and avoided it looking tacky. I wrote the page numbers next to the description and title of each feature to allow the reader to skip to whichever feature interests them most. I included one main image on the contents page as I didn’t want to fill it up to much, I thought keeping it simple would look more professional as it’s only the contents page.

What would I do better?
Next time making a magazine id ensure I don’t use an iPhone to take the images as they came out quite fuzzy and didn’t look as professional as they would if I used a professional camera. I’d use a wider variety of images on the contents page and include more of the page numbers so that they didn’t have to flick through the magazine finding what they wanted. I would also add more text to the front cover as it doesn’t have much detail to it.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Magazine proposal

Magazine proposal for my magazine

For my magazine I want to focus on the most fashionable music genre at the moment of urban/pop music, with all the latest music stars being within this category I believe it’s the biggest industry to study to ensure success of my magazine. Mainly teenagers of the ages 15-19 are the age in which enjoy and follow up on music bands/artists I believe this is due to the wide variety of concerts and festival in which teenagers want to see, they follow up more regularly on their favourite stars through social media which widens my interactivity in which I can use for my magazine as I can make the magazine online as well as print.

I want to keep my magazine as sophisticated and classy as possible which is my reasoning for the magazine being monthly, this ensures during each month I have enough time to include better quality articles and images. Magazines of a higher class tend to be monthly magazine too; the content always tends to be better. Articles which I want to include are topics such as:

· Sounds we love – a list of the top songs being played at the moment within my genre of music

· New and upcoming artists – engages the reader as they can feel ahead with the most recent music

· Reviews of concerts/festivals – interactivity with my audience as I’ve reached their wants and needs from my magazine

The price I will sell my magazine for will be £2.70, I believe this price is in the middle as its not to expensive but it’s not also to low priced as if i only charger £1 for example people may think the content inside is rubbish because of the price, the price of any magazine reflects the amount/quality of content you’re going to get.

My colour scheme is going to be a mix of bright colours, red blue's and yellows with jet black fonts throughout the magazine. I believe this will attract the audience as its visible to see and is also expressing my music genre through the colours as urban pop music tends to convey these colours.

To make my magazine more suitable for my target audience I’m going to be offering a subscription for a year’s contract of £25 a year and each time the magazine comes out it gets delivered straight to your house, as teenagers you don’t have the time to go out each month and buy the magazine so this will mean its delivered straight to them with no hassle. I will have chances for readers to win concert tickets and ipads included on my magazine, this creates interactivity for the audience and gives them an opportunity to feel involved and a challenge to win – it will also mean they want to purchase the magazine each month so that they win.



Haydon magazine final

Monday, 16 September 2013

Production diary/10th Tuesday

10th September

Today we was able to make a start on our pleminary task of making a school magazine, this dosent go towards our grades for AS however its important we complete otherwise we loose marks when it comes down to our final marking on our music magazine.

Were using indesign to make our magazines this time round which is new to me as i'm use to using other softwares from GCSE media however its much quicker and easier! I started by importing a picture of David looking as happy as ever -
I was only able this lesson to have time importing this photo and to start creating the layout for the magazine however a very successful lesson with Mr Fisher.

Next lesson I hope to add more content to the page for example -

  • Slogans
  • Catchy phrases
  • Smaller images
  • Soical networking
  • Advertisement
  • Fun facts

Front cover research

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Haydon Magazine Design

Our task for this weeks Homework was to design a front cover template of our Haydon magazine in which I am making. I have set the layout like this as I think for this task it will look more professional to keep it simple due to the target audience who is following up on the magazine. I want to keep the house style throughout of the haydon stag blue with white as it will be reconisable for my readers this way as these are the haydon typical colour code convention. I will include slogans advertising school clubs around the school and include a social media section to create a relationship with my audience.
This is a rough idea of what the layout of my contents page will look like, around the image and sell line would be the article. I will include the haydon stag to my contents page as it follows the house style scheme in which i want for the magazine. The main slogan of the article will be 'enjoy sport, take it as a GCSE' I beleive this is a good topic article to add to the contents page as it will explore the reasoning behind the magazine.