Magazine proposal for my magazine
For my magazine I want to focus on the most
fashionable music genre at the moment of urban/pop music, with all the latest
music stars being within this category I believe it’s the biggest industry to
study to ensure success of my magazine. Mainly teenagers of the ages 15-19 are
the age in which enjoy and follow up on music bands/artists I believe this is
due to the wide variety of concerts and festival in which teenagers want to
see, they follow up more regularly on their favourite stars through social
media which widens my interactivity in which I can use for my magazine as I can
make the magazine online as well as print.
I want to keep my magazine as sophisticated and classy as
possible which is my reasoning for the magazine being monthly, this ensures
during each month I have enough time to include better quality articles and
images. Magazines of a higher class tend to be monthly magazine too; the
content always tends to be better. Articles which I want to include are topics
such as:
· Sounds we love – a list of the top
songs being played at the moment within my genre of music
· New and upcoming artists – engages the
reader as they can feel ahead with the most recent music
· Reviews of concerts/festivals – interactivity
with my audience as I’ve reached their wants and needs from my magazine
The price I will sell my magazine for will be £2.70, I believe
this price is in the middle as its not to expensive but it’s not also to low
priced as if i only charger £1 for example people may think the content inside
is rubbish because of the price, the price of any magazine reflects the amount/quality
of content you’re going to get.
My colour scheme is going to be a mix of bright colours, red
blue's and yellows with jet black fonts throughout the magazine. I believe this
will attract the audience as its visible to see and is also expressing my music
genre through the colours as urban pop music tends to convey these colours.
To make my magazine more suitable for my target audience I’m
going to be offering a subscription for a year’s contract of £25 a year and
each time the magazine comes out it gets delivered straight to your house, as
teenagers you don’t have the time to go out each month and buy the magazine so
this will mean its delivered straight to them with no hassle. I will have
chances for readers to win concert tickets and ipads included on my magazine,
this creates interactivity for the audience and gives them an opportunity to
feel involved and a challenge to win – it will also mean they want to purchase
the magazine each month so that they win.