Thursday, 12 December 2013

Draft Question 4

My audience is aimed at teenage girls aged 14-18 however I have tried using different techniques within the magazine to widen my audience to teenage boys too. The reasoning for my choice of age group of 14-18 is any younger I believe wont be able to afford my magazine, it is unlikely 13 year olds get pocket money every  week and are able to get themselves to the shop to purchase my magazine which is my main reasoning for starting the age group from 14, you may argue 18 year olds are too old to buy magazines but a massive part of my magazine is about winning concert tickets and talking about gig guides – you have to be 16 and over to be able to go to concerts and at this age concerts and gigs are a key to a teenagers summer and a chance of winning free tickets I know will be very  appealing to them. My music genre is indie and pop and therefore could have both female and male genders follow up on my magazine – due to the high amount of famous music artist too which both genders would listen too my magazine in this prospect could be open up to both genders. However, due to the vast amount of images being girls and the context of the article being about Ella becoming famous it would suggest that more females are likely to be interested in my magazine.
 The social class of my audience will be ABC1 – I don’t want to base my social class on group A only as then people from lower social classes wont be able to afford my magazine weekly, being this social class means I can attract people from a higher social class but also from the working class and higher incoming workers as the cost of my magazine costs £2.70 a week people need to be able to afford it but also actually take an interest in music itself, and this tends to be the social class in which does.  If the pricing is too low it may come across to my audience that my magazine is of a low profession and that there is a lack of detail to the magazine so pricing it right in the middle would suggest that it isn’t too expensive but still is off a high quality.

  The social habits of my target audience who I aim to target for my magazine are teenagers who go out quite often and have part time jobs, those who keep up with checking up on their favourite music artists and enjoy going to gigs and concerts. Due to the aspect that my magazine costs £2.70 my target audience need to have the social habits of being out and being involved - my typical reader would be a teenage girl who lives in Camden, goes out often with her close friends shopping and going out for meals, earning £150 a month from her Saturday job and always keeps up with her favourite celebs on her iPhone.

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